Lymphatic Drainage Massage
A gentle, detoxing massage (perfect for pregnancy and postpartum) aimed at supporting and nurturing your body’s lymphatic system, to remove excess fluid, reduce inflammation, promote flow and decrease pain.

What is our Lymphatic System?
Our lymphatic system is an essential part of our circulatory, immune and metabolic systems. The major functions of the lymphatic system are to drain excess fluid (lymph) from our tissues, filtering it and returning it back to our circulatory system.
It also helps to transport essential vitamins from our digestive tract into our blood stream, as well as carrying out various immune responses to filter out pathogenic bacteria. To put it into simpler terms, the lymphatic system eliminates waste, harmful bacteria, and inflammatory components that are no longer required by the body.
In today’s world, our body has to deal with near constant exposure to toxins. Our body is intelligently designed to detox to a certain point, but now that nearly everything we eat, drink, put in our body and on our body, has been sprayed with chemicals, our lymphatic system is overloaded and needs a little extra support.
Some signs of a sluggish, overworked Lymphatic System
- Swelling, hard or tight skin of the arms, legs or fingers;
- Stiffness or restricted range of motion;
- Muscle and joint pain;
- Breast swelling during your cycle;
- Fatigue and headaches;
- Frequent infections;
- Cold hands and feet;
- Weight gain and skin problems such as cellulite.

Make a Booking
Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Unlike other systems in the body, the lymphatic system requires physical stimulation of the lymph nodes in order to function. The action of deep breathing, physical activity and touch massage are simple ways to activate our lymphatic system and get unwanted toxins moving.
The Lymph Detox treatment, created by Massage Therapist Jessie Whittaker, combines lymphatic drainage massage, rhythmic strokes and sports massage to drain, reduce inflammation, promote flow and decrease pain. This treatment can be performed at any season of life, and is the perfect way to support you during pregnancy and early postpartum.
It is recommended to have a minimum of two to three sessions to get the most detoxing benefits.

Our initial session will be roughly 2 hours, with follow up sessions being 90 minutes.

These sessions will be available at both ‘The Womb Room’ Grange (North Brisbane), and ‘The Nest’ Mooloolah Valley (Sunshine Coast).

The energetic exchange will be $222/initial and $166/follow up at the Grange clinic, and $250/initial and $185/follow up at the Mooloolah Valley clinic.
PLEASE READ PRIOR TO BOOKING: It is with gratitude that I ask you to complete my Bodywork Client Intake Form at least 48hrs prior to your session. I also ask that you wear comfortable, loose clothing to your session.
**When booking, please note that bookings for The Nest Mooloolah Valley are only available on Thursdays and every second Tuesday (1st & 3rd of month). All other appointment times listed will be for The Womb Room Grange.